Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Rock Types

Igneous Rock

  1. Intrusive: Big Crystals



   2.  Extrusive:  Small Crystals

Sedimentary Rock: 

 1. Clastic: Broken pieces of old rock


 2. Crystalline: Rock formed from liquid evaporation

3. Bioclastic: Dead animals or plants

Metamorphic Rock

1. Foliated:  Rock have lines

2. Non-Foliated: Rock don't have lines

Monday, October 29, 2012


Metamorphic Rock: Rocks are formed by heat and pressure.


Magma: Melted rock inside the earth.


Lava: Molten rock outside the earth.

Solidification: It is a process in which lava cools down and become solid.

Igneous Rock: It is formed when lava cools down and become hard.

Weathering: Rock break down into pieces by wind, rain, and ice.

Erosion: When rocks are moved to other places.

Sediments: Small rocks broke into small pieces by weathering and erosion.

Compaction: When the sediments become together.

Cementation: When the sediments are glued together.

Sedimentary Rock: Its is formed by different types of sediments, when sediments gets glued together.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Rock Cycle

Rock Cycle is the process in which rock slowly changes or transform from one rock to another rock. The pressure inside the earth pushes magma and liquid comes out of the volcano as lava.Then lava cools down and by cooling it becomes Igneous rock. By weathering and erosion, the rock break down into small sediments. The sediments compacted together and by cementation they stick to each other like a glue and forms a Sedimentary rock. Rock changes to metamorphic rock by temperature and the presence of heat and pressure.This process forms a Metamorphic rock. The Metamorphic rock keep going down and heat melts Metamorphic rock into magma again. The rock cycle keeps working like this through different processes.

Mineral Identification

1. Graphite:                                                                                                                                                                          

Luster:  Metallic    

Color: Silver to gray

Hardness:  1-2

Cleavage or Fracture: Cleavage

Uses: Pencil lead, lubricants

Composition: C

2. Sulfur:

Luster:  Non-metallic

    Color:   Yellow to amber

   Hardness:  2

 Cleavage or Fracture:  Fracture

 Uses:  sulfuric acid

 Composition:  S

Friday, October 26, 2012

Mineral Properties

Luster: Metallic or Non-metallic.

 Color: The color of a mineral.

Streak: Powder of a mineral when scratched on a streak plate. 

Hardness: How hard or soft the mineral is using Moh's Hardness scale.

Cleavage: Rock breaks evenly.

Fracture: Rock breaks unevenly.

Composition: Chemicals in mineral.

Other Properties: Describe the mineral,what they look like.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

About Me

Science is the BEST!
I like to eat chocolates.
Darkness scares me.
Biryani is my favorite food.
I will be a doctor when I grow up.
I have 4 siblings.
My favorite color is Pink.
My favorite thing to do is chat with my friends.
Watch out for my future.
I wish I could go for world tour.